Karitane is part of a research study that tracks how your child is growing and developing as well as how you can support them during the COVID-19 pandemic
Research Study
'Watch Me Grow – Electronic (WMG-E)'
By becoming involved, we will help you to identify any concerns you may have regarding your child, you as a parent or your family so that we can support you with the right help.

Who can participate?
Parents/caregivers of children aged between 6 months to 3 years old and visiting this service or group for any child and family health reason.
What is the study about?
This study will test whether our WMG-E App (with an allocation of a Service Navigator to support you) will result in improvements to your child’s development and your own wellbeing during the COVID-19 pandemic. This will involve you completing some questionnaires about your child’s skills and your own mental health and psychosocial (emotional, social and financial) concerns at three (at the 0-month, 6-month and 12-month) time points over a one-year period.
Why participate?
Participating in this project may:
- Help you and your Child and Family Health Nurse to monitor your child’s developmental milestones
- Help identify child developmental concerns early
- Help you to identify your mental health and psychosocial needs
How do I participate?
- Scan this QR code (or click the link https://redcap.link/WMG-EApp)
- Select ‘Agree’ to participate and complete the questionnaires
- Alternatively, you can ask your service or group to provide a copy of the Participant Information Statement and Consent Form, and an email invitation to the study will be sent to you.

Contact Information: Teresa Winata | E: teresa.winata@health.nsw.gov.au | P: 0424 880 074
This flyer has been approved by the South Western Sydney Local Health District (SWSLHD) Human Research Ethics Committee [2020/ETH01418] and SWSLHD Research Governance Office [2020/STE02335]. SWSLHD Study Flyer for Parents/Caregivers, Version 1.1, dated 19 July 2021