Residential Services
Our residential stays offer a 3 and 4 night inpatient service to families in NSW experiencing significant parenting challenges. Unique to Karitane Carramar, we cater to children 0-4 years of age and support families in a holistic approach with facilities to accommodate families with two or more children and where your partner is encouraged to stay or visit as frequently as possible.
During your residential stay each family sets their own goals in consultation with the Karitane team who work in partnership with you to support and guide you through your identified parenting issues, working towards achievement of these goals. The Karitane team of child and family health nurses, psychologists, social workers, paediatricians and psychiatrists work in partnership with you to increase confidence; resolve concerns; and provide guidance and information on issues such as:
- Sleep and settling
- Feeding and nutrition
- Age appropriate routines
- Multiple babies
- Adjusting to parenting
- Toddler behaviour
- Anxiety and postnatal depression
Length of stay
The length of stay in Karitane’s residential services is 4 days (3 nights) at our Camden unit and 5 days (4 nights) at the Carramar unit. It is important that you and your child/ren are well during your stay for the program to be effective.
Access to service
In this new normal access for parents remains easier than ever, parents can self-refer on-line here. A referral from a health professional, such as your doctor or a child and family health nurse is also accepted, to find your local child and family health centre, contact HealthDirect on 1800 022 222.
We are a COVID safe organisation and the safety and wellbeing of children and their families is always our highest priority. Our COVID-19 update is here.
Medicare or private health insurance fees cover admission costs. A second parent / carer incur small fee for accommodation and meals. You will be advised of the current charge prior to admission.
What parents say
- “Thank you very much for your help. I have reduced the day sleep and little bub is sleeping better. She is still waking up around 1am for around one hour, but she doesn’t cry like before, and at least I can rest after that! Thanks so much for your help. I really appreciated it…"
- “I have rediscovered the joys of getting a solid 8 hours sleep! Even though at times I felt challenged staff were always there to support me as I was struggling at home to do it by myself. The support and the service you give the community is incredible and life changing and I feel so fortunate to have been able to receive your help"
- “You guys are amazing! I have gained so much here, not only the beautiful songs from the playroom, the nice food from the kitchen for my baby and me, but also speaking to the social worker helped so much. I now have the skills I need to handle my baby boys daily routine and significantly improved sleeping. Every nurse in the Residential Unit is a role model…Thankyou!"
Our residential units are located at Carramar and Camden.
138-150 The Horsley Drive, Carramar, NSW 2163
61 Menangle Rd, Camden, NSW 2570
Related Topics
Sleep and Settling
At Karitane, we encourage sleeping strategies that respond to your baby’s cues. Doing so will help them feel contained, safe and secure.
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Crying Babies
Most babies have periods of crying which may last one to three hours, once or twice a day.
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