Parenting Webinars
We offer a range of popular parenting workshops online, just choose a topic important to you and join other parents as our expert child and family health nurse provides tips and strategies. Each practical parenting workshop is 45 minutes with lots of opportunities for you to ask questions. The number of parents in each workshop is limited so our caring and experienced child and family health nurse can answer your questions and support you.
Can't make it to any of the webinars? View our prerecorded selection of webinars here.
Sleep tips for babies and toddlers
Getting enough sleep is very important for everyone in the family. Join us for this webinar where we'll discuss the principles, strategies and top tips for helping your family enjoy more sleep.
Please click on an available date to register:
Connecting the Dots is a national early childhood nutrition service delivered in partnership with Karitane, a not-for-profit parenting organisation, and the Healthy Beginnings research team at Sydney Local Health District. The program is funded by the Commonwealth Department of Social Services and aims to improve early childhood nutrition literacy and self-efficacy for parents/carers, health professionals and early childhood educators.

How to understand food labels
This 30 minute webinar will teach you how to understand food labels to make healthy choices for your little ones. It is interactive and you will get the opportunity to look at some products in your pantry. Please bring along an empty cereal and snack packet (your child's favourite) if you have one. We will be using a wallet label reading card that you can download from our website during the webinar.
New Webinar
Breastfeeding your new baby (45 mins)
Getting off to a good start with breastfeeding your baby in the first few days, weeks or months can really boost your confidence and help your baby settle. This webinar will provide tips for successful breastfeeding and dealing with common challenges.
Please click on an available date to register:
New Webinar
Bottle feeding
This webinar will provide tips for responsive and safe bottle feeding, using expressed breast milk or suitable infant formula. There will be some time to answer any questions you may have.
Please click on an available date to register:
New Webinar
Tips on packing a healthy lunchbox
This 30 minute interactive webinar will provide you with tips on how to pack a healthy lunchbox. It is for parents and carers who have children starting primary school next year and for those who would like some guidance on what to pack even for their little ones. We will show you how to use a lunchbox guide that you can continue to use at home.
Please click on an available date to register:
New Webinar
Nutrition During Pregnancy
Welcome to this short 30 minute webinar where you will hear about how to take even small changes to improveyour health and wellbeing as you plan for pregnancy, or you are already pregnant. Healthy nutrition and lifestyle, goes a long way to increasing your own wellbeing and as just as importantly, it has a really positive impact on conception, your baby's brain, growth and development.
Please click on an available date to register:
Starting solids
Starting Solids can be an exciting time for parents and babies. It may also bring some uncertainty for many parents. When to start, what to give and how much food to give, are common questions parents want answers for. Nutrition and good health go together, this webinar will cover those questions as well as provide some other useful tips for getting off to a good start with solids. This webinar is also part of a National series of nutrition talks for parents called 'Connecting the Dots' which aims to make sense of how nutrition and other healthy habits go together to promote the best possible development for your child for now and into their future.
Helping your child with fussy eating behaviours
Join us for this LIVE webinar where you can get your questions answered on how to support children who are fussy with eating. Fussy eating can come about from many factors, this webinar aims to help parents and carers understand the different influences on children's eating behaviours. It will also provide some practical tips for how to create positive change for healthier eating habits along with knowing when to seek further professional help if needed.
Please click on an available date to register:
New Webinar
Postnatal nutrition
Having a baby is a good time to think about your own health and wellbeing not just for you, but also for your new baby and family. Parents and carers are incredible influences on baby's health and wellbeing. This 30 minute webinar will provide information on healthy nutrition, lifestyle and supporting wellbeing for new parents and carers.
Please click on an available date to register:
Tricky toddlers and tantrums
Aggression, tantrums, whinging and hyperactivity can be normal in the toddler years, but this can be stressful. Here you will learn the skills and strategies to manage the challenging times and improve the quality of your relationship with your toddler.
Please click on an available date to register:
We are a COVID safe organisation and the safety and wellbeing of children and their families is always our highest priority. Our COVID-19 update is here.