Toddler Clinic
Our team of child and family health nurses, clinical psychologists and social workers work with families using a model called parent-child interaction therapy (PCIT). PCIT is based on play and aims to increase positive behaviours and reduce the negative behaviours of your toddler by strengthening the parent-child relationship and giving you some strategies to better manage your child.
Karitane toddler clinic is now offering FREE I-PCIT (Internet-parent child interaction therapy). Find out more.
Who uses Karitane toddler clinic
We work with families with children 15 months to 4 years who are displaying behaviour problems, these include:
- Physical and verbal aggression
- Non-compliance
- Over-activity
- Tantrums
- Destructive behaviour
- Hyperactivity
- Sibling rivalry
- Anxiety and withdrawal
The average treatment program is 6 to 12 weekly sessions for 1 hour. Regular attendance and daily practise of the skills at home are necessary for you and your child to obtain the best results.
What to expect
The initial appointment at the Toddler Clinic will be for 2 hours and we will use that time to discuss your current concerns. Your child/children will attend this appointment and will be free to play throughout. We encourage partners to attend as often two parents in the same home have different ideas about the same behaviours. With your consent, during this appointment we like to complete a short play task that will be recorded. While this is not a condition for inclusion in the program, it helps us to see how your child plays and how they moves through different tasks.
What to bring
- A drink and snack for your child
- Your child’s “My Personal Health Record" (blue book)
- The questionnaire that will be sent to you upon acceptance into the program
Age range
Families with children 15 months to 4 years.
How to start the process / what to do first
In this new normal access for parents remains easier than ever, parents can self-refer on-line here. A referral from a health professional, such as your doctor or a child and family health nurse is also accepted, to find your local child and family health centre, contact HealthDirect on 1800 022 222.
We are a COVID safe organisation and the safety and wellbeing of children and their families is always our highest priority. Our COVID-19 update is here.
Karitane toddler clinic is a free health service to the community.
What parents say
- "Thank you for opening my eyes. Karitane has improved my relationship with both my children and I know so much more about being a parent now."
- “I feel more connected to my daughter and I enjoy spending time with her. There has been a noticeable change in her behaviour at home and childcare."
- “What a fantastic experience! I can be a confident Mum and my son a confident boy thanks to Karitane!"
Training for professionals
The toddler clinic runs one day interactive workshops for health professionals wanting to learn more about PCIT. Find out more.
Our toddler clinics are located at Carramar and Camden.
138-150 The Horsley Drive, Carramar, NSW 2163
61 Menangle Rd, Camden, NSW 2570
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