Community Programs
Karitane provides a range of community groups and programs to support parents experiencing isolation, teenage pregnancy and mental health challenges. We support families from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds, new migrant and refugee backgrounds and Aboriginal communities. Community programs are provided to families in their own home or in a community setting.
Learn more by viewing our infographic here.
Talking Realities Young Parents Program
This program offers a fun and relaxing way to study with other young parents and work towards formal qualifications in a Certificate III in Community Services Work from TAFE NSW. We provide free training, childcare and lunch plus links to education and other service providers. On completion of the course you will be guided and supported into further study and have the opportunity to share your story with school students!
Program is full until 2023
Volunteer Family Connect (VFC)- Volunteer in-home support
Offers support to families with children birth to 5 years living in the Macarthur, Wollondilly, Shellharbour and Taree areas. The program trains volunteers and matches them with families in the community. Volunteers provide support to families in their parenting role to adjust to a new baby, cope with multiple children, overcome feelings of isolation and frustration. VFC in Taree specifically supports the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander community. For more information see the VFC brochure here.
For more information or to apply to be a volunteer:
Shellharbour - Please contact Jaimie Maynard I Volunteer Family Connect Coordinator I l 0476 411 560 | For more information see the Shellharboiur brochure here
Taree - Please contact Sue Martin I Volunteer Family Connect Coordinator I l 0438 576 385 | For more information see the Taree brochure here
Macarthur or Wollondilly - Please contact Angela Styman I Volunteer Family Connect Coordinator I l 0447 961 445 | For more information see the Macarthur & Wollondilly brochure here
- Become a volunteer helping families offers you the opportunity to become a volunteer, helping families deal with the challenges of parenthood.
Karitane Linking Families
Karitane Linking Families provides community programs in Bankstown, Fairfield and Liverpool. These services include:
1. Targeted early intervention (case management)
Health education officers work closely with families expecting a baby or who have a child aged up to 5 years, to provide short term, early intervention support (approx. 3-6 months). Families have the opportunity to meet face to face (home visits), by phone and virtually. The team offer assistance with parenting issues such as child development, child behaviour, nutrition, housing, financial literacy and overall family wellbeing.
Operate weekly during school terms in Bankstown, Fairfield, Liverpool and Oran Park for families with children birth – 6 years. Playgroups provide a safe place for families to develop skills, strategies and support for parenting and child development challenges. It helps to support and educate families on community services, reduce isolation, improve community networks and build confidence. There are 7 groups offered, including groups for specific families who identify as Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander or Vietnamese.
Linking Families is located at 130 Nelson Street, Fairfield Heights, NSW, 2165. Families can self-refer by calling (02) 9754 2655.
Family Matters - Teen parents in custody
This program supports adolescent parents and other young people in custody at Reiby Juvenile Justice Centre to facilitate better outcomes for them and their children. This is achieved through:
1. Building positive parent-child relationships, ensuring child safety during visits and following the parent’s release.
2. Enhancing the parent’s capacity to understand the needs of their child, reducing risk of generational cycle of incarceration.
3. Increasing awareness in parents and staff of needs of children when visiting their parents in custody.
4. Providing universal parenting information and increasing understanding of healthy relationships.
Family Matters - (Reiby Juvenile Justice – Monday & Tuesday)
Tel. (02) 9794 2347 Email.
Empowering Parents Empowering Communities (EPEC)
A community based program called 'Becoming a Parent' run over 8 weeks. Parents participating in the group increase their confidence and knowledge of children's feelings and emotions and build social connections. Potential local parent facilitators may be identified from these groups and provided with training to rung parenting groups (in pairs). Parent facilitators are trained to work in the EPEC program and are paid for their work. They are supported and supervised as peer educators.
Fairfield- Nadia Faour (EPEC Coordinator) Mon, Thurs & every 2nd Fri 02 9754 2655
Gloucester & Forster - Keri Harris (EPEC Coordinator) Monday/Thursday 0483 369 880. Learn more here.
First Steps Count (FSC) Navigator
Karitane is working in partnership with Mission Australia and First Steps Count (FSC) to provide the first point of contact for families accessing the new FSC Hub opening in September 2022. The navigator will support parents to access services they need through the complex local service system. The aim is to improve family functioning, parent/child relationships, increase parental confidence and capacity, improve personal wellbeing, reduce parental stress, promote optimal child development, growth and behaviour and improve connections with the community services.
Where: Mid Coast - Manning Vale
Taree - Jo Burge (FSC Navigator) 0477 614 813 Email:
Family Coaching Service
Individualised family coaching service provided by a professional child and family health professional nurse that concentrates on helping parents improve their knowledge and gain a better understanding on how to strengthen their relationship with their child: Child development e.g. language, movement, cognition and social skills, nutrition, sleep and settling, behaviour awareness and access to community supports.
Where: Miller 2168
Nurse Educator (Karitane - Wednesday & Thursday) Tel. 02 9794 2345 Email:
For more info please download this flyer.
We are a COVID safe organisation and the safety and wellbeing of children and their families is always our highest priority. Our COVID-19 update is here.
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Volunteer Family Connect
Volunteer Family Connect is a home visiting program for parents of young children delivered by trained volunteers. Developed as a collaboration between The Benevolent Society, Good Beginnings Australia, Karitane and senior researchers from Macquarie University and the University of Western Sydney, it brings together the best evidence and practice knowledge available to support the health and wellbeing of parents, children and volunteers.
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