Karitane careline 1300 CARING (1300 227 464) OR (02) 9794 2350
Do you have a parenting question about your 0 – 5 year old child?
When you call Karitane careline a friendly and experienced child and family health nurse will support you with guidance and encouragement on your parenting journey. Our professional team are here to support you with topics that include:
- Sleep and settling
- Feeding and nutrition
- Age appropriate routines
- Multiple babies
- Adjusting to parenting
- Toddler behaviour
- Anxiety and postnatal depression
Operating hours
Monday – Thursday 8am - 9pm
Friday 8am – 4.30pm
Saturday 9am - 3.30pm
The Karitane careline is not a crisis line. If your child is unwell or your question is of an urgent nature, call health direct on 1800 022 222 for medical advice or 000 for emergency
* Please note: Karitane’s call-back service is free of charge, however some mobile providers may charge fees for calling Karitane’s 1300 227 464 number. Please check with your provider if you are unsure or call 9794 2350 for the cost of a local call.
In this new normal access for parents remains easier than ever, parents can self-refer on-line here. A referral from a health professional, such as your doctor or a child and family health nurse is also accepted, to find your local child and family health centre, contact HealthDirect on 1800 022 222.
We are a COVID safe organisation and the safety and wellbeing of children and their families is always our highest priority. Our COVID-19 update is here
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